Oregon Undergraduate Research Journal
The Oregon Undergraduate Research Journal (OURJ) is an open-access, multidisciplinary student journal at the University of Oregon. Since 2010, OURJ’s biannual issues have showcased some of the best academic work by Oregon undergraduate students across all disciplines. OURJ is edited and produced by an undergraduate student editorial board of peer editors. Our board is composed of individuals with rich writing, editing, and research experiences who are passionate about the publication of undergraduate work.
Vol. 23 No. 1 (Winter 2025)

Cover Art: “Beyond Fruition”
Gio Betancourt
Meet the Editorial Board
Kyla Schmitt, Ava Secrist, Charlotte Olds, Ethan Nguyen, Keegan Tippetts
Art Feature: “Heavy Under Pressure”
Gio Betancourt
Journal Editorial: “On Libraries Supporting Undergraduate Research”
Dr. Ahmar Zaman
Art Feature: “Body Fluidity”
Gio Betancourt
Letter from the Editor
Kyla Schmitt
Transitive Inference as an Intrinsic Process
Austin Murray, Ben Chaloupka
COINdinistas and Contradictions: US Adoption of Counterinsurgency in 2007
Alex Li
OpenAI’s Fault Lines: Cracks in a Groundbreaking “Capped-Profit” Organization
Drew Collins-Burke
Vol. 22 No. 1 (Spring 2024)

Cover Art: “aλλος”
Olivia Glass
Meet the Editorial Board
Jay Taylor, Kyla Schmitt, Ava Secrist, Charlotte Olds, Ethan Nguyen, and Keegan Tippetts
Art Feature: “Portals for Everyday People”
Elle Bisheimer
Journal Editorial: “On Libraries Supporting Undergraduate Research”
Rayne Vieger
Art Feature: “Autonomy in the Anthropocene”
Elle Bisheimer
Letter from the Editors
Jay Taylor, Kyla Schmitt
Predicting Explore-Exploit Behavior from Personality Traits
Lynn Nashawi
Being Bosnian: The Means and Ends of Territoriality and the Genocide of Bosniaks in the Former Yugoslavia
Charles Petrik
Childcare in the Free Market Society of F.A. Hayek
Myra Bernard
Exploring the Role of Microbiota in the Development of Insulin-producing Cells in Drosophila melanogaster
Nicole Mullen
Vol. 21 No. 3 (Fall 2023) McNair Special Issue

Cover Art: “Prague Main Station”
Rowan Glass
Letter from the Editors: “What is a Special Issue?”
Kyla Schmitt, Jay Taylor
Art Feature: “Our Pirogue—Snapshots of a Senegalese Fishing Community”
Rowan Glass
Comparing Verbal Descriptions of Image Memories with Natural Language Processing
Julian Gamez
Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Portland State Aerospace Society (PSAS) Launch Vehicle 4
Aaron Casserly
Reweaving the Uaman Luar: Cultural Reproduction and Autonomy among the Kamëntšá
Rowan Glass
Vol. 21 No. 2 (Summer 2023)

Cover Art: “The Only Constant Is Change”
Drew Collins-Burke
Meet the Editorial Board
Kyla Schmitt, Jay Taylor, Sarah Beaudoin, Rowan Glass, Teagan Furbish
Art Feature: “Emerald Pools”
Jadon Schmitt
Journal Editorial: “A Gradient Invisible—Blurring Disciplines Through Undergraduate Research”
Eleanor Wakefield
Art Feature: “Gold Beach, Silver Sky”
Drew Collins-Burke
Letter from the Editors
Kyla Schmitt, Jay Taylor
Marilyn in the Media: The Male Gaze of Conspiracy
Lena Wehn
Culture in Higher Education: Understanding the Dimensions of Educational Inequality
Luca Berk
Media Conglomeration, Automation, and Alienation: A Marxist Critique
Lauren Tokos
Vol. 21 No. 1 (Winter 2023)

Cover Art: “Dance of the Bumblebee”
Alexander Li
Letter from the Editors
Kyla Schmitt, Jay Taylor
Art Feature: “Precipice of Discovery”
Carmen Theresa Sanchez-Reddick
Journal Editorial: “Undergraduate Research—Catalyzing Learning and Lifelong Success”
Trond Jacobsen
Art Feature: “Clouds over California”
Alexander Li
Household Troubles: Japanese Women’s Conceptions of Self (1603–1868)
Miya Gibson
Chai as a Colonial Creation: The British Empire’s Cultivation of Tea as a Popular Taste and Habit Among South Asians
Nayantara Arora
Magic and Identity in Anglophone and Hispanaphone Caribbean Literature
Kayley Salgado
A Review on the Effects of Homicide on Co-Victims: Mental Health, Coping, and Race
Sydney Werner
Vol. 20 No. 2 (Summer 2022)

Cover Art: “Asleep”
Kyla Schmitt
Letter from the Editors
Taylor Sarah Ginieczki, Jay Taylor, Kyla Schmitt
Journal Editorial: “UO Libraries Supports New U.S. Policy Making Research Results Available Immediately”
Alicia M. Salaz
Art Feature: “Canopies, Cascades, and Canyons”
Kyla Schmitt
Art Feature: “Loss and Regrowth”
Kyla Schmitt
Colombian Counterpoint: Transculturation in Sibundoy Valley Ethnohistory
Rowan F. F. Glass
Activation of Defense Mechanisms in the Nudibranchs Peltodoris nobilis and Hermissenda crassicornis
Siena Joy
Queering the Way: Investigating the Relationship Between LGBT+ Advocacy and Policy Advancement
Matthew Hampton
Differences in the Morphology and Reproduction of the Ascidian Boltenia Villosa Across a Latitudinal Gradient
Carmen Theresa Sanchez-Reddick
Gender Diversity and its Societal Place in Medieval Scandinavia
Miles Berry
Vol. 20 No. 1 (Winter 2022)

Cover Art – “The Visitor”
Olivia Wilkinson
Letter from the Editor
Taylor Sarah Ginieczki
Editorial – “Reflecting on Accessibility in Scholarly Publishing”
Martin Klebes, Massimo Lollini, Franny Gaede
Art Feature – “Tuning In”
Olivia Wilkinson
Effect of hesitation sound phonetic quality on perception of language fluency and accentedness
Tillena Trebon
The Sacred and the Holy in Tolstoy’s Hadji Murád: Irreconcilable Differences Between War and God
Raimy Khalife-Hamdan
Effects of flow velocity and settlement location on growth rates of early juveniles of the pedunculate barnacle Pollicipes polymerus Sowerby, 1833
Hannah N. Everson
Vol. 19 No. 1 (Spring 2021)

Temerity Bauer
Letter from the Editor
Starla Chambrose
Guest Editorial – “Building Research Communities During a Pandemic”
Lanie Millar
Art Feature – “A Child’s Map to a Future World”
Billy von Raven
Art Feature – “Intertidal Intricacies”
Anna Lake
“Don’t Kill My Buzz, Man!” – Explaining the Criminalization of Psychedelic Drugs
Conrad Sproul
Burning Woman: Sexualized Robots and the Vilification of Women in Metropolis and its Precursors
Cassian Grove
How Egocentric Biases Maintain Social Anxiety: A Literature Review
Kyra Mingus
The Anthropocene Commons – A New Paradigm of Scale Variance: Commons Frameworks and Climate Change Theory
Parsa Aghel
Vol. 18 No. 1 (Winter 2021)

Sophia Salter
Letter from the Editor
Starla Chambrose
Guest Editorial – “The Lure of the Lab”
Scott Fisher
Art Feature – “Material Trail”
Isais Lawrence
Silent Slaves: Reconstructing Slave Perspectives on the Grave Stele of Hegeso
Alexis Garcia
The Nuclear Family and Gender Roles in Oregon’s Venereal Disease Campaign: 1911–1918
Dimitra Fellman
Hunting for Prions: Propagating Putative Prion States in Budding Yeast
Jacob Evarts, Mikala Capage
“You Shall Not Oppress a Resident Alien”: The Conception of Immigrants in the Hebrew Bible
Miriam Thielman
Understanding Native Hawaiian Land Relations Through Kānaka Maoli Literature
Jordan Kalani Harden
Vol. 17 No. 1 (Spring 2020)

Audrey Kalman
Letter from the Editor
Starla Chambrose
Guest Editorial – “Green Open Access is ‘Just’ Publishing”
David M. Condon
The Effect of Emotion on Associative Memory: Anger Versus Fear
Melissa Adler
Constructions of Identity and War: A Reciprocal Relationship in Former Yugoslavia
Taylor Ginieczki
Mating Affects Lifespan Differently in Two Strains of Pseudo-female Caenorhabditis elegans
Ruben Lancaster
Miłosz the Visionary: His American experience in Visions from San Francisco Bay
Ania Grudzien
From Nimble NIMBY to Palpable PIMBY: Anti-Blackness in George Deukmejian’s California Prison Boom
Jakob Hollenbeck
Massacre or Genocide? Redefining the Sook Ching
Lauralei Singsank
Vol. 16 No. 1 (Winter 2020)

Clara Hollowgrass
Letter from the Editor
Starla Chambrose
Guest Editorial – “Celebrating a Decade of UO Undergraduate Research”
Kevin D. Hatfield
Art Feature – “Orange Cup Coral (Balanophyllia elegans)”
Lincoln Hopkins
Caliban Yisrael: Constructing Caliban as the Jewish Other in Shakespeare’s The Tempest
DeForest Ariyel Rolnick-Wihtol
Technology and Scientific Authority in United States Abortion Policy: Concerns Over a Mechanistic Approach and a Better Way Forward
Momo Wilms-Crowe
Behavioral and Neural Predictors of Individual Differences in Concept Generalization
Takako Iwashita
Negotiating Freedoms: Women Experience Homelessness in Eugene, OR
Violet Fox
Vol. 15 No. 1 (Spring 2019)

Cover Art – “Corona de Rosas Espinosas”
Isabelle Amezcua
Letter from the Editor
Joshua J. Pearman
Guest Editorial – “The Power of Undergraduate Research”
J. Josh Snodgrass, Professor of Anthropology & Associate Vice Provost for Undergraduate Research and Distinguished Scholarships
Sa’di and the Safavid: The Material Culture of a Treasured Persian Manuscript Now at UO
Elmira Louie
The Sensationalization of the “Homophobic Muslim”: Tracing the Roots of Islamophobia and Homophobia
N. Safdari
When Worlds Collide: Manichaeism and Christianity in Late Antiquity
Sierra McClain
Vol. 14 No. 1 (Winter 2019)

Cover Art – “Ancestry”
Elexus Greene
Letter from the Editor
Joshua J. Pearman
Guest Editorial – “Obstacles and Opportunities in Undergraduate Research”
Vera Keller, Associate Professor of History and Historian of Science
A Monstrous Philosophy of Emotions
Luke Currie
Before the Spectacle: Shaping Gender and Class in Beirut’s Beauty Salons
Eugenia Lollini
The Impacts of Increased Heat and Precipitation on Plant Phenology and Demography in Pacific Northwest Prairies
Ben Avis, Allie Ludden, Hunter Mackin, Andreas Martinez, Sean Pettit, Elizabeth Porter, Emma Rasmussen, and Miles Steele
Vol. 13 No. 1 (Spring 2018)

Gadiraju Vinitha
Letter from the Editor
Allison M. Zhou
Guest Editorial – “On Undergraduate Research”
James C. Mohr, College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor of History and Philip H. Knight Professor of Social Sciences
Women’s Biological Threat to Confucian Social Order: An Examination of Gender Constructs through an Analysis of Pre-Modern Chinese Literature
Megan Pellouchoud
Responding to the Hyde Amendment: Abortion Discourse, Race, and a Conspiracy of Silence
Momo Wilms-Crowe
Vol. 12 No. 1 (Winter 2018)

Nicole Dudukovic, Ph.D., Psychology
The Role of Religion and Spirituality in Snow Leopard Conservation on and Around the Tibetan Plateau
Hannah Taub
What Did You Say She Was Like? Features of Gossip Associated with Hearsay Accuracy and Consensus
Chenle Xu
Vol. 11 No. 1 (Spring 2017)

Seth Temple
Analysis of the Economic Impacts of Immigration in the United States
Michael McIntosh
Magical Girl Martyrs: Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Purity, Beauty, and Passivity
Tate James
Springing Forward: Changes in Phenology of Native Plant Species in Southern Oregon Prairies as a Result of Experimental Climate Change
Maura Kanner, Laura McCullough, and Kathryn Nock
Vol. 10 No. 1 (Winter 2017)

A Radical Take on Zombie Apocalypse: Dominic Mitchell’s In the Flesh
Finch Byrd
The Threshold of the Sublime: Standing in Awe and Fear in José María Heredia’s “En el Teocalli de Cholula”
Briauna Jones
Do You Know Where Your Research Is Being Used? An Exploration of Scientific Literature Using Natural Language Processing
Theodore J. LaGrow, Jacob Bieker, and Boyana Norris
Quantitative Analysis of Debris and Plastic Pollution on Beaches in Northern Madagascar
Emma Gjerdseth
Vol. 9 No. 1 (Fall 2015)
Xylaria Primers for Phylogenetic Reconstruction
Alicia Ly
The Question of Divine Omnibenevolence: What does the Hebrew Bible Reveal about Yahweh’s Nature?
Jonathan Faris
Searching for the Nearest Extragalactic Binary Black Hole: A Spectroscopic Study of NGC 4736
Annika Gustafsson
Adamov’s Alienation Effect: Showing the Absurdist Slant of the Epic Theatre Aesthetic
Nicholas Maurer
GPU-Imogen: An Astrophysical Hydrodynamic Code Built for Graphics Processing Units
Isaac Brown and Tom Wolken
Vol. 8 No. 1 (Spring 2015)
A Reality in Question: Negotiating Storyworld Construction in James Ward Byrkit’s Coherence
Valtteri Leinonen
Ecuador’s Yasuní-ITT Initiative: A Case Study on International Climate Change Mitigation Narratives
Mairin Peck
Rotational Properties of the Extraordinary Multi-tailed Asteroid P/2013 P5
Annika Gustafsson
Amakosikazi: Undervalued Figures in Zulu History
Caellagh Morrissey
The Economic Impact of Sporting Events in Lane County
David Cole, John Hurley, and Jeffrey Naber
Vol. 7 No. 1 (Fall 2014)
Psychoanalysis and Noir’s American Nightmare
Albena Vladimirova Zahariev
The Real Consequences of Property Tax Compression for Oregon Public Schools
Andrea Vedder and Matt Davis
The Psychological Mechanisms of Oppression: Empathy, Disgust, and the Perception of Group Membership
Alexander Harris
Curiosity as Object: Egyptian Mumia in Early Modern Europe
Spencer Kales
Vol. 6 No. 1 (Spring 2014)
Monitoring Riparian Restoration Efforts in the Willamette Valley
Jessica Scott, Johnmichael Lahtinen, Erin Engbeck, Terri Berling, Katie Ferra, Alexander Gregory, Natalie Otto, Garret Pemstein, Wayland Tan, and Gail Tinkham
Mina Loy and Bikini Kill: Hidden Identities in Feminist Politics
Marina Claveria
In-stream Monitoring on the McKenzie River, Oregon
Laura Marti, Matt Keeler, Taylor West, Geoffrey Johnson, Kadie Hayward, Kimina Jamison, Robbie Lascheck, Bre Senate, Ashley Sosa, Drew Thompson, and Jennifer Vargo
Syntactic Structure in H.P. Lovecraft’s “The Picture in the House:” How the Small Choices Reveal a Horror Too Big to Know
Meredith Darnell
Social Conservatives’ Adoption of a Subaltern Discourse After the 2012 US Presidential Election
Kevin Frazier
Learning Behind Bars: An Inquiry into the Early Development of Correctional Education in Oregon
Tashia Davis
Vol. 5 No. 1 (Fall 2013)
Apartment Price Models for the Glenwood Riverfront Development
Joseph Friedman
Prey Detection and Feeding Success of the Comb Jellyfish Mnemiopsis leidyi on Copepods in Still and Turbulent Waters
Clare Elizabeth Chisholm
The Virgin Knight: Spenser’s Embodiment of Duality in Elizabethan England
Chelsea Arsenault
Bioremediation Mariculture in Zanzibar, Tanzania: A Viability Assessment of Using Bath Sponge and Pearl Oyster Farms to Filter Highly Polluted Waters in the Zanzibar Channel
Hayley Catherine Oakland
Vol. 4 No. 1 (Spring 2013)
Comparing Apis Mellifera and Bombus spp. Pollination Efficiencies on Willamette Valley Blueberry Farms
Keane Daly, Miguel Pacheco, Aaron Poplack, Meagan Maxon, Chelsea Johnson, Amanda Whitcomb, Kelsey Kopec, Bret Cypel, and Lauren Ward
Beyond Elementary: Examining Conceptual Demands of Division of Fractions in Current US Curricula
Leanna Carollo
Marine Mammal Monitoring on Guam
Robert McNulty
Vol. 3 No. 1 (Fall 2012)
Restoration Monitoring on the McKenzie River, Oregon
Michelle Rau, Jenna Stewart, Zachariah Kezer, Rebecca Martin, Ben Miller, Sean Silverstein, Olga Slivka, Dane Swanson, Valarie Truelove, Thomas Van Hevelingen, Tyler Woods, and Krystal Young
Stomata Density of Orchids and Cloud Forest Humidity
Sierra Predovich
Assessing the Relationship Between Topography and Plant Diversity in Restored and Remnant Wet Prairies
Claire Reed-Dustin, Willis Logsdon, Rachel Lytton, Sam Maloney, Audie Paulus, Tatiana Piazza, and Tiziana Stuparitz
The Potential Role of Dietary Intake in Explaining Postoperative Muscle Loss in Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA)
Alexander Robinson
Vol. 2 No. 1 (Spring 2012)
Editor’s Letter
Lucy Gubbins
Social Media Will Be the Death of Prose
Karen Sprague
Student Research Spotlight: “Memory. What?”
Alex Fus
Abject by Gender and Race: The Loss of Antoinette’s Identity in Jean Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea
Iida Pollanen
The Cost of Gender Equity: Title IX at the University of Oregon
Lauren Goss
A Curse on Your Ancestors: Exploring the ‘Mongrelization’ of Mina Loy
Jordan David Gregory
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2011) Inaugural Issue
Railroad Antitrust Immunity: Clarification, Discussion, and Evaluation
William James Goodling
Forward Modeling to Assess and Improve Gravity Network Geometry at Kilauea Volcano, Hawai`i
Patricia Grace MacQueen
Acquisition of Second Language Vocabulary for Kindergartners with Speech Sound Disorders
Tracy Lynn Zapf
Weapons for Oil: An Analysis of Contemporary Chinese Weapons Sales to Africa in Exchange for Oil
Lauren Dickey
Exploring the Adaptiveness of Moderate Dissociation in Response to Betrayal Trauma
Janae Chavez
Signaling for Attention: Mobility and Student Performance in United Way’s Promise Neighborhoods
Neil Hunter Cronkrite and Ian C. O’Gorman