OURJ and the National Undergraduate Consortium on Scientific Journalism (NUCSJ)
OURJ is a supportive partner of the National Undergraduate Consortium on Scientific Journalism (NUCSJ), which puts on a corresponding annual conference on scientific journalism: the NUCSJ.
This event brings together hundreds of student-scientists and multiple undergraduate research journals from across the country to discuss research ethics and practice, the publication process, the role of student journals, and more. Panelists range from renowned journalists and professors to Nobel Prize laureates and finalists.

OURJ and the Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS)
OURJ is proud to support the UO’s Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS), an annual event in May at which students showcase their work in either individual or group poster presentations. OURJ has historically worked with the URS board to further the spirit of undergraduate research on campus, and the Board is excited to announce plans for further collaboration this year. We always encourage OURJ authors to present their work at the Symposium, and Symposium presenters to submit their research papers to OURJ. For more information about the URS, please visit their website.
See the below informational video, made by the 2020-2021 OURJ Editorial Board for the 2021 URS, to learn more about OURJ.